Attn: New, Aspiring, & Accidental PM's
... It takes preparation! Plan to successfully manage projects now.
Read this eBook to:
- Learn the principles - concepts and terms
- Understand the fundamental steps in managing any project.
- Effectively communicate about your project.
If you are an aspiring, new, of accidental project manager, this book is for you! Cool bonuses included too through this special offer!
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Learn the fundamentals of project management through a memorable methodology. Everything you need to start managing projects now.

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Murray Grooms, PMP
British Columbia, Canada
This book is a winning combination of valuable learning material combined in an organized and easy to read “story type” narrative. There is an intentional absence of jargon. But an abundance of good guiding principles for the “accidental project manager”. I would have benefited from this book when I started out.

Naomi Caietti
Author, Transform Your Leadership!
Managing Director, Naomi Caietti Consulting, Folsom, CA, USA
In his latest book, Ray shares the story of Rhett Sero and weaves into each chapter the essences of what it's like to be a project manager. It's written with a quick-start method called PROJECT for accidental PMs to practice, learn, and put into immediate action. A must-read for any new project manager!

Dr. Deasún Ó Conchúir,
Project Consultant, Scatterwork, Switzerland
Those of us who actually started as "Accidental Project Managers” (but maybe slow to admit it) would have benefited from this this book when we ourselves made the transition from subject specialist to project manager. Much to be recommended.

Deji Ishmael
London, England and Lagos, Nigeria
Highly recommended read, the style and the content are highly readable and should be relatable for all functional managers being asked to work as project managers in addition to their "normal work." The book presents a framework to help you get results and increase your changes of efficient execution.
What Amazon Readers Are Saying
Book Synopsis
Become A Project Hero
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- About Rhett Sero, the main character of the book
- Definitions of key project management terms
- The meaning of the PROJECT Methodology

Chapter 1
Powered by People
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- How to identify people impacted by the project – the stakeholders
- How to choose the best project team members
- Communications is a large part of the work of project management
Chapter 2
Dig for Requirements
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- How to plan for requirement elicitation
- Three key tools for eliciting requirements
- Common requirements issues you will need to solve
- How to organize and document requirements

Chapter 3
Organize Objectives
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- How to document project scope with a Work Breakdown Structure
- How to estimate project for time and costs
- How to incorporate project constraints into planning
- A basic methodology for identifying and managing project risks
- Documenting project plans with a milestone chart
Chapter 4
Jell with the Team
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- How teams can achieve more than individuals
- How to get team and customer buy-in
- Secrets of managing without authority
- Secrets of managing virtual teams

Chapter 5
Execute Effortlessly
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- Secrets of effective delegation
- How to follow up appropriately to assure work is completed
- Methods for giving both positive and negative feedback
- How to appropriately hold team members accountable to complete their tasks
Chapter 6
Control Casually
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- How to create a project baseline and measure variance from it
- Mastery of change management – dealing with requests for project changes
- How to develop project status reports and effectively communicate status information
- Secrets of taking the right project corrective actions

Chapter 7
Transfer & Transform
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- β How to deliver a completed project meeting all requirements
- How to approach and develop team evaluations
- How to conduct an effective Lessons Learned meeting
Chapter 8
π Some Cool Stuff You'll Learn:
- Next steps in project management skills and career development

π Some Cool Stuff You'll Get:
- Bonus #1: Immediate access to Project Manager's Resources, a PDF Project Management reading and website list.
- Bonus #2: Immediate access to our Careers in Project Management page, featuring a short video and a downloadable salary survey.
- Bonus #3: Access to our exclusive Facebook members and readers only group.
- Bonus #4: Access to our Downloads Library of more than 40 free project management templates.
- Bonus #5: Included with the templates is our PM Framework Micro Guide, a booklet to help learn PM terminology and prepare for the CAPMβ Exam
- Bonus #6: Receive our monthly email of additional project management tips and tricks from our Project Hero Blog.
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