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Project Management for Aspiring, New, and Accidental PMs


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A 5-Step Process for Risk Response Planning risk management Sep 01, 2019

Developing a process for risk response planning is critical. In addition to reducing thinking bias, a process reduces the risk of poor responses and ensures any responses creating new risks receive treatment as all others.

  1. Start with the highest priority risk - review the identification and analysis of the risk.
  2. Identify at least one risk trigger. In the process, you may uncover additional...
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5 Tips to Encourage and Support Project Innovation project integration management Aug 25, 2019

Innovation is often a direct result of good project management - teams find novel solutions and produce superior results (creativity), which can be implemented (innovation). Here are 5 tips for encouraging and supporting innovation in projects:

  1. Provide clear objectives, roles, responsibilities, and an overall plan to focus on creativity.
  2. Demonstrate value for new ideas: let them be heard and...
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Less Inspection, More Prevention quality management Aug 25, 2019

If we look at the five levels of effective quality management, it's easy to see that proactive (taking preventative measures) is the least expensive way to go.  If clients find problems, or we find the problems just before the project goes to the customer, there is a cost to repair issues, as well as the possibility of other losses, such as loss of reputation or the client.  A solid...

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Take Your Meetings From Good to GREAT communications management Aug 18, 2019

They say that 90% of project work is about communications in some form. Others have estimated that meetings can take up around 50% of project communications time. So, make a commitment to follow these five steps to take your meetings from good to GREAT:

Goals: Pre-plan the meeting and determine what goals must be met to achieve meeting success.

Right people: Determine the right set of people to...

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Time to Ask Another Why? project integration management Aug 11, 2019

Why do our projects not succeed?

Toward the end of last week, I completed a corporate training for UCSD Extension at a major San Diego/US defense contractor. They were taking the final exam, so I covered some short topics to generate discussion rather than cover new material.  I showed them the results of industry studies by organizations such as Standish Group and Meta Group. I showed...

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5 Tips for Handling Difficult to Estimate Tasks cost management schedule management Aug 04, 2019

Getting good estimates is often challenging for projects.  Here are 5 tips for getting better estimates for difficult-to-estimate tasks:

  1. Decompose the work further to understand it more fully. Document all assumptions and constraints.
  2. Look for similar estimates provided for past projects—network with other projects or organizations willing to share their experience and expertise.
  3. Do...
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5 Tips for Creating an Environment for Successful Projects project integration management Jul 28, 2019

The working environment can be as important as having a good plan and will improve planning and other outcomes. Support creativity, innovation, and some risk-taking with these five tips:

  1. Have a clear vision for the project and communicate it clearly to all stakeholders
  2. Encourage open, honest, and transparent communication and collaboration
  3. Become a lifelong learner with a mindset of continuous...
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Happy 1 Year Anniversary: Accidental Project Manager #accidentalpm Jul 21, 2019

It’s been a year since the launch of the Accidental Project Manager book. PPC Group, LLC wants to help as many new, aspiring, and “accidental” project managers as possible during the next month. On 12 August 2019, we are launching Accidental Project Manager: The Online Experience. Continuing in the tradition of the book, this new online experiential course develops essential...

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6 Reasons to Delegate More communications management resource management Jul 21, 2019

Project managers often have a tendency to "jump in" and do project work. Here are six reasons why you need to resist and delegate more:

  1. Your full-time job is managing the project - don't let other tasks get in the way
  2. Delegation is an opportunity for face-to-face communication with team members
  3. Delegated work is a growth opportunity for team members
  4. Delegation is a tool for reducing or...
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Look Before the Project - Part III cost management project integration management scope management Jul 21, 2019

For the last two weeks, we looked at two different ways to evaluate project selections to determine which to work on. This type of activity is often carried out by senior management and not the project manager. The project manager is usually involved once the project charter has been developed. A special form of project charter is the Statement of Work or SOW. Its often associated with a...

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