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An Introduction to Project Payments business cost management Apr 18, 2021

[Note: Beginning with last week's article and continuing forward, in addition to tagging articles with knowledge areas, we will be adding new tags for business, people, and technical (including process). We will update past articles over time. This will align content with the new PMP® exam content areas, which in turn, align with the PMI talent triangle areas - Leadership, Technical Project...

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Skills All Project Managers Need in Life and Business business people project integration management Apr 11, 2021

Management skills are usually grouped into several categories, including interpersonal, technical, and conceptual. But time management skills go beyond attributes that simply make you an effective leader. Knowing how to manage your minutes is crucial to the success of your business and your personal life. Here are a few examples of skills to refine that will have a positive impact on your time...

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The Two Best Tools for Gaining Team and Client Buy-In stakeholder management Apr 04, 2021

Whether you have a predictive or agile project, you will always need to have the team on the same page and satisfy the client.  Today, we're going to look at the two best ways to get team and client buy in.  Involvement and clarity are two of the best ways to obtain buy-in.

Involvement: The #1 Tool for Buy-in

Let's suppose you developed a course.  If you were asked to approve the...

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4 Critical Tools to Improve Project Communications communications management Mar 28, 2021

There are four important tools a project manager can use to improve communications. These four critical tools are the elevator pitch, status report, project deck, and communication plan.  Let's take a detailed look at each of these one at a time.

Elevator Pitch: Your elevator pitch is a concise and compelling message about your project. It should start with an attention-grabbing opener or...

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Get Your Listening Skills in GEAR! communications management Mar 21, 2021

It's been said that project managers spend 90% of their time communicating.  This isn't just talking.  It's about communicating in many different forms, such as reports, presentations, meetings with groups and individuals, emails, social media posts, and more.

So to start, let's look at what communication is through a relatively simple model. Communications involve a sender and a...

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5 Common Barriers to Successful Delegation people resource management stakeholder management Mar 14, 2021

Last week we looked at 4 Steps to Diligently Delegate.  There are five very common barriers to enacting a successful delegation. Good project managers understand what these are and avoid the pitfalls.

1.  The project manager may have a personal interest in the task. While you may have a personal interest, your job now is to manage and grow the team. Don't let your personal interests...

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4 Steps to Diligent Delegation people resource management Mar 07, 2021

In addition to good planning up front, execution of any project can be effortless if you develop the critical soft skills needed to succeed.  Let's consider delegation.  Unfortunately, new project managers often lack confidence or fear loss of control, leading to lower levels of delegation. Even more unfortunately, loss of control is what normally happens when project managers fail to...

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5 Tips to Create Your Project Management Future project integration management resource management Feb 28, 2021

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

- Peter Drucker

Rather than wait for your project management future, if you are planning to pursue a career, get started now and create it.  Here are five tips you can use to predict the high quality of that future:

  1. Have a clear vision for every project and the team, and communicate it to all stakeholders.  Add to this clarity of...
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5 Tips to Reduce Project Risk risk management Feb 21, 2021

No matter what project management methods or project life cycles you are using, risk management is an important component.  While there may be some nuances for different circumstances, some elements are universal.

It's important to note that risk is unavoidable - no environment is completely risk free. But do scale your efforts accordingly.  A very complex project, projects with large...

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7 Tips for Agile Project Managers project integration management resource management scope management Feb 14, 2021

Whether you are a project manager or a scrum master, if you are leading an agile project, there are some critical things to keep in mind.  Some of these we have covered in past articles and some of them are new. Here are seven tips for agile project managers.  Repetition helps to build retention, so even if these seem old, think of them as new :)

  1. Respect client deliverables. ...
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